20 Nov 2013
We have a winner
With the help of my husband and a red fedora, I’ve selected the winner of the Cougar’s Courage book giveaway. Please note my husband is in law enforcement and was actually in uniform when he picked the name from the red fedora, so it’s all aboveboard. Unfortunately, no pictures of either the uniformed man or the red fedora are available, even though my ginger cat was helping him select a winner from the hat and it was crazy cute. What a time for my camera to start flashing weird error messages!
Congratulations to the reader known as BN100, who’ll receive copies of Cougar’s Courage and Lions’ Pride. I hope you enjoy the books. If you do, please tell your friends! Post a review on Amazon or B&N or GoodReads! Share the love! Word of mouth is the best marketing tool we authors have.