About Me
Welcome to the peculiar world
of Teresa Noelle Roberts
I’ve published erotic romances in subgenres including paranormal, science fiction, fantasy and BDSM contemporary; one hundred-odd erotica, romance and fantasy stories (some very odd indeed); and two books of poetry. My newest release is BDSM-flavored erotic romance novella Passing His Test.

I’m also one half of the erotica and erotic-romance writer known as Sophie Mouette. (Dayle A. Dermatis is the other half.) Sophie’s latest release is Love, in Stitches (Hollywood Spice 2). As Sophie, we’re also the authors of Possessed, Undressed, and in a Mess, Out of the Frying Pan (Hollywood Spice 1), Cat Scratch Fever, several novellas, and a great deal of short fiction, including stories in the holiday collection Sexy in Your Stocking.
When I’m not writing, I’m an avid gardener, a talented but messy cook (you should see the state of the kitchen when I’m done), an omnivorous reader, a yogi, a bellydancer, a proud geek, and, whenever I can manage it, a body boarder. Occasionally I sleep. I hear it’s supposed to be good for you.
I grew up in the Finger Lakes region of central New York, the setting for both Out of Control and Lions’ Pride, and I’ve lived in Manhattan and Paris. I now call a little town in southern Massachusetts, closer to Providence than to Boston, home. Here, I live with my husband, a Leo in law enforcement, and two insane cats. In 2018, my mother joined us, which explains why I didn’t publish much between spring 2018 and spring 2020.
Want to know more about me? Sign up for my infrequent mailing list for exclusive (and sometimes NSFW) excerpts and other fun updates. Follow my blog on this site and look for me on Facebook, where I’ll post about new releases and works in progress, as well as kitty escapades, garden updates, and other silliness from my daily life. I’m also on Twitter as TeresNoeRoberts.